Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Judging People

 Do you ever go to the grocery story and judge
 people by what they wear?? Go ahead and admit it
we all have and I will admit I am bad about doing.

There is this man who comes in my office almost every day that I do this to.
He weighs about 300 if not more and he has this order that just makes me
gag everytime he comes in. Its like a musty smell.
Everytime he leaves I start talking so bad about him.
How he dresses, how he walks, how he talks, and whew how
bad the man smells.

Every sense I did the post about my past I have been doing alot of
thinking. I hate how when I go into walmart or anywhere I know what people are
saying about me. She is the girl whose mother did this or she is the girl whose father
did this OR she is the girl who has already gotten a divorce and blah blah

Is this right for people to judge me?? No pick up your bible and it says you shouldnt judge
Gosh I remember hearing people say why dont you clean your house before
trying to clean others. I guess growing up I thought they were really talking
about cleaning house but WRONG.

Anyway that poor man comes in everyday and I judge him and I dont even know
him. I am doing to him the way I hate being done. Why is our world so full is judgement??
Well the world cant be perfect cause then how would we ever learn.

I know you are thinking what is the girl doing?? She has really lost her mind.
Well I have prob lost my mind but that is a whole nothing post.
I came into the blog world to tell my story to keep a journal of my life
and yes I was hoping to meet new friends.
BUT!!!!! it is so sad how bad people judge each other in the blog world.
I have read blogs where people have said I dont read blogs with no pictures??
Really so you are basically saying you dont like me because my blog isnt full of pictures.

I understand that most popular blogs are popular because of their fun pictures and colors.
Trust me that draws my attention to the blog as well BUT I dont judge somebodys blog by what
color it is, how many pictures they have in a post, and I dont judge their thoughts by what they say.
I have only 21 followers (hello new friends) but at least the 21 people I do have
like me for me.

I didnt come into the blog world to be fake I came to have a place to type my thoughts when
I have them. I dont plan my post days in advance, my blog layout is nothing special, I am no
WRITER by any means nor do I want to be. BUT this blog is real these is my story.
I know its not excited I dont go to clubs on weekends cause I have been there done that.
I work and go home and spend time with my lil family.

Anyway I will get off the soap box now.
Hope everyone had a blessed fun weekend!!!

I will get pics of the news blinds and new microwave up tomorrow:)
I am really getting into the house decorating.
Which is somthing I thought I would stink at but SHOCKER!!
I am really good at it!!


CALLIE said...


I have come across lost of snobby bloggers lately. It's so sad. People who used to be so sweet, whose blogs have become really popular and they act like no one else exists now. Makes me just not want to read them.

I am so glad you said all of this bc I have been thinking it for some time now.

Anonymous said...

I think you have a great blog! I blog about what my title reads "Life and Everything Else In Between" and I only have 14 followers. They are great bloggers themselves and honestly I only know two of them in person outside of the blog world. The others found me and like my blog for their own reasons which I do not know. I don't need thousands of followers, I blog for me, it's my get away.

This is a great post!

Renee Arianna said...

I don't want this to come off mean or rude but I kinda am that person that judges a blog by it's cover so to speak. Obviously not yours because I feel like we're friends now so I WANT to read what you write. But honestly, if I go to just any other bloggers page and see a post with zero pictures I'm like okay one is fine but if they never put a picture and it's only words I personally get kinda bored. And it also seems like you don't care about your space enough to present it in an eye pleasing way if you never take the time to find a picture and credit the source. Everyone judges people in real life whether they admit to it or not, myself included, but I try really hard not to just be mean or count a person out or whatever until I really have gotten to know them. Hard to do sometimes but you never know what someone's been through til you've walked in his or her shoes.

Courtney B said...

LOVE this post!! When you were talking about judging people in general that is something that I've really been working on! I feel like I'm pretty good about it because I know I go to walmart looking like a big grease ball. I'm just not motivated to get cute for grocery shopping... haha! But sometimes I find myself thinking a not so nice thought about someone and I try to squash that asap!
And as for blogging... it's so ridiculous that we get jealous about other bloggers and the life they live, or the type of blog they have... yet we let it happen! Being a women and having all the emotions we have is hard to deal with! But I want to be BETTER!