Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My hard day. . . .

Hello my peeps! I am not having a good day. Its a day where I have cried for a good solid hour. More on that later though.

Last night I got home and I worked out again WHOOP WHOOP!!! ( everytime I say that or type it I always think of the movie Baby Mama) I dont even know if I should say I "work out" because I am not doing alot BUT I must be doing something right cause I still am sore. As in I have to grab either side of the toilet seat and ease myself down. I wish I could take a picture of this action but I am sure all of yall are know picturing this. Sorry for all the nightmares in advance :)

I also went yesterday and got me a few goodies!! I got me a  planner:) I had read last week where my fellow blogger Callie over at The Good Life has a planner and she keeps track of when she works out. Well I thought well now thats just a good idea. So I got a planner and am now keeping track of what I eat and what I do for exercise everday. I also got biotin and green tea supplements thanks to my KY honey Jess or as yall know her The Kentucky Priss.Thank you Callie for sharing the planner idea!! Thank you Jess for the workout plan and the pill suggestions, but most important thank you for not being a witch with a B you are so sweet.

do any of you have any suggestions on work out plans?? Vitamins you take?? or how to help this soreness??

Anyway after my "workout" I cooked me and the boyfriend some chicken alfredo (came out of a bag) and we settled in for the Bachelor. OMG some of these girls are already getting on my nerves. After getting caught up with the Bachelor I was in the bed at 8:45:) YESSS

So on to the reason my day is bad. This is hard for me to type and acourse I am not going into alot of details of what happened. I work alone. It is just me and my boss in my office. In my office is a lobby then another door that leads you to the back. Well most of the time when my boss isnt here I lock the door that takes me to the lobby just so that if someone comes in they have to stay in the lobby. This morning my boss left and I was at my desk and well hadnt thought about locking the door cause he hadnt been gone long. Well a much older man comes in and well comes on back. He informs me that he came to see me cause he saw my boss was gone. He then proceeds to wrap his arm around me. I get away from him cause at this point I am a lil freaked out cause I know this man but not that well I only see him once a year when he comes to see my boss. Then the man proceeds to get a big wad of cash out and start counting it. Acourse by this point I am shaking and feel very uncomfortbale. He then tells me well I am going to tip you. He has like alot of money in his hand. At this point another person comes in to bring me some papers. Which I have never been so thankful. Anyway the man leaves and he hadnt parked in front of the building. He parked away from my office.

I know my words might not describe why or how scared I was. I dont know this man so therefore he could have meant no harm what so ever but all I know is those ten minutes were the longest ever. As soon as he left I started bawling my eyes out and then called my girlfriend Lindsey. I guess maybe I shouldnt watch the news or read the news cause I am sure this is the reason this scared me.

Has anyone else ever had an experience like this?? If so how did it make you feel?

1 comment:

CALLIE said...

O My-Lanta!! I would have freaked the efff out. So creepy that he pulled out a wad-o-cash... What a skeeezer.

You are so welcome on the planner idea. I have found that it really does help me out alot. Having to write it down and be accountable is awesome. Bc if I don't eat healthy or don't work out, I feel guilty ha! We will see how long that lasts.....

I hope your day gets better, love. Go home, get you a glass (or 3) of wine and snuggle up to that boy of yours!!!