Monday, January 9, 2012

My weekend in words!!!

Why does Monday come at you full force?? Today has def made a 180 turn from how I felt when I woke up this morning but more on that later.

I have to say this past weekend was a good one. I def took full advantage of my last weekend off.  I know yall want to know what all I did so let me recap in one word LAZY!!!!!

Friday night- Me, Jeremy, and my girl Lindsey went to my sisters house for my sweet nephews bday party. He is just a sweetheart and very dramactic. He screamed and kissed every present that he opened cause he was so excited about all his gifts. He loved his smurfs birthday cake to. He had everybody laughing and even brought a few people to tears. He said the sweetest prayer before everyone cute into his cake. I acourse wish I had known he was going to do this cause I would have recorded it but here is basically how his prayer went. Please remember that he turned 4.

Dear God, Thank you so much for my birthday,
Thank you for my friends and family that came to
my birthday party.
Thank you for my presents and for my cake
Thank you for my mommy and daddy
Thank you so much for bringing my daddy home safe
Please dont make him leave me again.
Lets eat some cake

I teared up again just typing that. Let me explain something. My brother in law just started working offshore. He just got home from his first hitch. He is working on a rig out in Texas. Needless to say Conner doesnt like his dad being away and has been praying everynight that daddy doesnt leave him again. Alot of tears were shed when he prayed that prayer.

Anyway after the party, we headed back to the house. Lindsey and I sat up til like 2 in the morning just chatting about girl stuff. Saturday morning we were all up around 9 and ready for a fun day. Lindsey is a photographer and wanted to try to take some pictures of my Lizzie Mae. Whew that lil girl is spoiled and so wouldnt sit still long enough for nothing but Lindsey did manage to get some good ones. Around 10 we all including Jeremy settled in the living room and watched The Help. Wow I loved the movie. I had just recently finished the book so was nervous about the movie but they do a good job of follwing the book. After watching The Help, we then watched Hangover 1 & 2. hehehehe let me tell you we are a bunch of wild animals. Then we watched some football and ended the night with a lil karooke before Lindsey had to leave and go home:(

Sunday morning me and Jeremy did our weekly grocery shopping then watched the movie Straw Dogs. I didnt hate this movie but it def wasnt my favorite. Jeremy then settled in and watched football all day and well I laid in the bed with lizzie and watched lifetime all day. Again whew we are a wild bunch. I did manage to catch up on laundry. By sunday night me and Jeremy settled in and watched Life as we Know it. We had started watching this the other night on Starz and didnt get to finish it. So we decided to rewatch it. After the movie we settled in the bed and watch Kim & Kourtney take New York. UGH Kim is the modern day Cruella to me. Sorry if you dont disagree but she is really getting on my nerves.

This week I am hoping to start working out again. I have been doing so good with my healthier earting and have lost some weight the last 2 months but know I need to tone up. Plus I want to work on my leg and stomach muscles. I really want to jog and run but I stick at running in the summer. So I am gonna have to stick to cardio exercises that are inside. If anyone has any suggestions please email me or comment.

I hope everyone knows about the big game tonight. Yes I am skipping the bachelor to watch football!!! Thank you sweet baby Jesus for DVR!!!! I am not a big alabama or LSU fan but my sister is a die hard LSU fan so acourse I wouldnt be a good sister if I didnt go against her :) ROLL TIDE!!!! I am not sorry if I offend you for going for Alabama if you had to listen to my sister talk about LSU 24/7 like I do then you wouldnt blame me either.

1 comment:

JMB said...

OHHH....MY.....GOSH...child, I watched Straw Dogs last weekend....I did not LIKE!! Especially the rape scene! Plus the climax was just WEIRD!! Loved the story about your nephew! :) How stinking cute!!